Uniting and honoring the Brazilian community worldwide
Veja se o bilhete que voce adquirtiu lhe dá acesso aos eventos abaixo. Somente pessoas com nomes na lista poderão entrar em certos eventos, por causa do número limitado de lugares. Itinerário para a agenda:
14 de setembro, quinta feira, das 9h as 14h - Passeio e Networking
9 da manhã: encontro na frente no Big Ben. Estação de metrô: Westminster
Sairemos da frente do Big Ben as 930 da manhã e caminharemos até o Palácio de Buckingham. Caminhada de mais ou menos 40 min.
Usem roupas confortáveis, mas com manga comprida. Não será mais verão.
Ande sempre com uma sombrinha na bolsa. Londres sempre chove. Carregue agua e algo para beliscar. Vamos almoçar umas 13h.
10:30 da manhã: entraremos no Palácio de Buckingham. Tickets são comprados individualmente. Compre nesse link aqui. Assista esse video de como comprar o ticket passo a passo.Comprem para 10:30h no dia 14/09. TICKETS SOLD OUT
14 de setembro, quinta feira, das 17h às 20h - Cocktail de Abertura
Não tragam nenum amigo/a que ano esteja na lista para dar 'um jeitinho' de entrar. O segurança do consulado nao permitira a entrada.
7h: cocktail de abertura no Consulado Brasileiro em Londres
Endereço: 3 Vere Street, Londres, W1G 0DG (CEP).
Estação mais próxima: Bond Street ou Oxford Street
Verifique se o seu bilhete lhe dará acesso ao cocktail. O segurança do consulado somente deixará entrar quem estiver na lista de convidados.
14 de setembro, quinta feira das 20:30h às 00h - Festa de Aniversário
UPDATE: Local do evento:
LSQ Rooftop
(+44) 020 7123 5010
20:00h: festa de aniversário do Rafael.
Todos estão convidados, mas precisam colocar seus nomes na lista.
Festa a fantasia com tema Disney. Traje obrigatório. Vir fantasiado de um/a personagem da Disney.
Local a ser anunciado proximo do evento.
15 de setembro, sexta-feira, 18h - Desfile de Modas
18h: portas abrem para o público.
Modelos e estilistas precisarão estar disponíveis a partir das 12h (meio dia). A Gislaine vai enviar o cronograma por whatsapp. Vejam todos os grupos abaixo. Entrem nos grupos.
Local para ser encontrar: (anunciaremos)
Nesse apartamento faremos cabelo e maquiagem e experimentaremos as roupas.
18h às 19:30h: networking e drinks
Haverá um bar no andar do desfile onde vocês poderão comrpar drinks e fazer networking. Traje esporte fino.
20h às 22h: desfile
22h às 00h: networking, drinks e venda de roupas
00h as 01:00h - estilistas desmontam seus estandes e montam no andar subsolo, onde acontecerá o festival.
16 de setembro, sábado às 11h - Brazil World Fest
Entre 9 e 10h: Chegar no hotel para arrumar seu estande, saber onde você vai ficar, se situar, etc. São 60 expositores. Nem sempre estaremos disponiveios para dar informacao quando precisar, então cheguem cedo para não ter estress de chegar atrasado e não tem alguém para te ajudar.
Local: Leonardo Royal Hotel
Endereco: 45 Prescot Street, Londre, E1 8GP
Estação mais próxima: Tower Hill
Para o publico, o festival abre às 12h. Pediremos para eles chegarem a partir das 11h.
Terá espaço debaixo da sua mesa e local para você guardar uma mala do tamanho de 23kg. Não tragam mais do que isso, pois não há espaço.
Festival fecha as 17h no sábado e reabre ao meio dia no domingo dia 17/09.
16 de setembro, sábado - Premiação Melhor do Brasil no Mundo
Local: Palácio do Parlamento Britânico - Houses of Parliament
Endereço: Palace of Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA.
Assistam esse video:
Chegar às 16h, o portão abre às 16h para poder tirar fotos e passear no palácio.
O Rafael conseguiu exclusividade do uso do Palácio no sábado, portanto não haverão outras festas ou convidados nessa noite, somente os convidados do Best of Brazil Global Awards. ("se não for para arrasar, ele não faz" - palavras dele para o time 😂😂😂).
A cerimônia de gala será das 1830h às 22h. Alimentem-se bem antes de vir para a cerimônia, pois o jantar só começa as 18:30h. Somente drinks serão servidos antes do jantar. Todos devem se retirar do palácio até as 23h em ponto, por motivos de segurança e contratuais.
17 de setembro, domingo às 12h - Brazil World Fest
Entre 11 e 12h: Chegar no hotel para arrumar seu estande.
Local: Leonardo Royal Hotel
Endereco: 45 Prescot Street, Londre, E1 8GP
Estação mais próxima: Tower Hill
Para o público, o festival abre às 12h. Pediremos para eles chegarem a partir das 11h.
Serão feitas doações de roupas e alimentos durante o festival, tanto no desfile, como no dia 16 e no dia 17h. Queremos arrecadar 1 tonelada de alimentos para poder doar para
The Best of Brazil Awards are for Brazilians residing abroad. Brazilians residing in Brazil can vote and nominate but cannot compete in the awards. We update the rules periodically to reflect necessary changes during the nomination and voting period:
Each email address can only be used once to vote for each nominee.
Each person can vote for multiple nominees if they wish.
Once you accept your nomination you will receive emails from High Profile Magazine about the award and the services it provides.
Nominations for the European awards can be made from 10th of January till 17th of April 2022 at 8pm London UK time. Nominations for the USA awards can be made from January 10th to June 1st at 8pm New York USA time.
Nominations close on the following dates: Europe: 07 of August 2022 at 20:01 (UK) USA: 1st of June 20:01 New York (USA)
The votes will continue from: Europe: Until 14th of August
USA: Until 12th of June -
If there are any categories with only one nominee, the category will not be taken to the final with the judges and we will instead place the candidate in another category that is equivalent to his/her profile.
Finalists will be announced: Europe: 17th of August 2022 at 6pm London time through the magazine Instagram (@highprofilemagazine) USA: 16th of June 2022 at 6pm London time through the magazine Instagram (@highprofilemagazine)
The rules will be expanded upon over the coming months. (note the rules don't change they are simply expanded upon).
Supporters, partners, sponsors and jurors cannot vote for any of the nominees.
No relatives of the organizers can participate in the awards.
The most voted in each category will be invited to participate in the in-person event in London. Rule 25 will state how many nominees from each category will be a finalist invited to the ceremony.
The 5 most voted of each category will be the finalists and your biographies of up to 500 characters will be sent to the judges, as shown on your profile screen, when you accepted to participate in the competition.
The judges vote for each finalist based on their biography alone. The jury does not receive the finalist's first or last name so that the vote may be totally impartial.
The nominees cannot have a criminal record, nor must they have been found guilty of any crime nor be in a judicial process that is in the public domain (public domain means that the process may have published in newspapers or magazines).
Private processes that do not concern the public are fine.
We do not take into account personal issues between participants in the awards and we do not accept gossip or bad-mouthing from one participant about another.
We do not accept bribes, allow gifts, travel, or any other kind of kickback to sway the final vote.
All winners are selected for the award by combining the votes from the general public and the votes of the judges on their biographies.
On the final week before voting closes we check for voting fraud. If a candidate has received 5 or more votes from fraudulent sources such as bots, or votes with a fake phone number, they will be disqualified.
The person with the most votes per category automatically gets a bonus vote when going to the judges' stage.
If there is a tie between the judges decision the nominee with the largest amount of votes is declared the winner.
Candidates with less than 20 votes will be disqualified.
If a category is populated exclusively by candidates with less than 20 votes, the category will be dissolved and the candidates will not receive an invitation to the event.
European categories and their finalist numbers:
'Luiza Brunet' Award for Combating Violence Against Women - 5
'Queen Diambi' Award for Diversity & Inclusion - 3
SB Diversity & Inclusion Award Disability - 3
LGBT Pride Award - 3
Best Brazilian Lawyer - 5 (women only)
Best Brazilian Artist - 6 (3 men, 3 women)
Best Brazilian Hairdresser - 6 (3 men, 3 women)
Best Brazilian Singer - 6 (3 men and 3 women)
Best Brazilian Chef - 6 (3 men, 3 women)
Best Entrepreneur - 5 (men only)
Best Start-up Entrepreneur - 2 women
Best Entrepreneur Growth - 2 women
Best Established Entrepreneur - 2 women
Best Brazilian Professional in Aesthetics and Beauty - (3 men, 3 women)**
Best Health Professional - 6 (3 men, 3 women)**
Best Magazine, Newspaper, Portal or Communication Professional - 5
Best Brazilian Show/Entertainment - 5
Best Brazilian Writer - Adult - 5
Best Brazilian Writer - Children and Youth - 5
Best Brazilian Writer - Adult, Youth, and Children - 5
Brazilian Personality of the Year - (5 men, 5 women)
Best Communication Channel for Brazilians in Europe - 5
Best Producer of Visual Arts or events - 5
**If there are no male competitors, there will be 5 female finalists.
USA Categories: (There will be 5 finalist per category)
Best Female Brazilian Lawyer
Best Male Brazilian Lawyer
Best Artist (Painting, Drawing, Engraving, Sculpture, Ceramics; Weaving, Ceramics, Art Design, Crafts, Screen Printing, Preservation, Restoration)
Best Hairdresser or Hair Salon (in this category men and women compete for the same award)
Best Female Brazilian Singer
Best Male Brazilian Singer
Best Brazilian Chef in the USA (in this category men and women compete for the same award)
Best Brazilian Professional in Aesthetics and Beauty (in this category men and women compete for the same award)
Best Brazilian Health Professional (in this category men and women compete for the same award)
Best Brazilian Show/Entertainment (Samba show, Dance, Capoeira, Comedy, Theatre, etc.)
Best Brazilian Writer - Adult
Best Brazilian Writer - Children and Youth
Best Brazilian Writer - Adult, Youth, and Children
Best Male Brazilian Entrepreneur
Best Brazilian Start-up Entrepreneur
Best Brazilian Expansion Entrepreneur
Best Brazilian Consolidated Entrepreneur
Best Brazilian Female Influencer
Best Brazilian Male Influencer
Brazilian Personality of the Year
Best NGO or Association for Supporting the Brazilian Community
'Luiza Brunet' Award for Fighting Violence Against Women (Award for an individual or organization that fights against domestic violence and violence against women)
The International LGBTQ+ & Inclusivity Award
'Queen Diambi' For Diversity and Inclusion Award
The Bullock International Disability Award
26. By buying a ticket and/or participating in this event you are agreeing to have your photo and video taken and used for promotional content on our various social media accounts and website.